Why Karate

One might call karate an educated way of street fighting, but actually studying karate reveals much more. The conditioning alone provided by karate is well worth the time and effort. Karate is hard work, and it demands that a person be in good condition.

For self-defense, karate is the ultimate. The power, speed, and devastating techniques learned are something to behold. Situational awareness and avoidance are developed, in addition to acquiring practical, powerful survival skills.


Karate is a martial art that was perfected in Okinawa after many centuries in China. It is based upon both mental and physical discipline and is considered one of the finest forms of exercise. As karate students advance, they soon apply their knowledge by sparring with fellow students. Such sparring provides an opportunity to test and polish the techniques.


Yet karate is not merely an excellent physical exercise for self-defense. The efforts and discipline required for the pursuit of mastery of martial arts foster self-confidence, good citizenship, and improved character as well.


These are the benefits that can be derived from karate when you add you name to that list of those who have earned the coveted rank of Black Belt. Remember, only you can put your name on that list….no one else.